How to Create a Webform – VIDEO

How to Create a Webform

Welcome to the How-to video on how to create a webform at itracMarketer. This video will guide you through the steps on how to properly create and set up your webform.

Step 1: Navigate to the Home Dashboard

Step 2: Click the Web Form tile

Step 3: Click the Create button

Step 4: Textbox input

Enter the Name, Description and Start Date in the text boxes provided. The End Date and Budget fields are optional.

Step 5: Click the Next button.

Step 6: Select template

Hover over the desired template and click Select this template.

Step 7: Redirect link

Enter the URL for the Redirect Page in the text box provided.

Step 8: Edit the template

Do any desired changes. Drag and drop desired Components onto the template. Hover over a Component to edit, move, duplicate, style and delete the Component.

Step 9: Click the Next button.

Step 10: Review and Confirm

Review the details and click the Confirm Web Form button.

Step 11: Add a new Workflow to the Landing Page

Click the Add a new Workflow to the Landing Page link.

Step 12: Click the “Click to add and Activity” icon.

Step 13: Enter an Activity Id in the text box provided.

Step 14: Select an Activity Type

Select an Activity Type from the drop-down menu. Note: If the If/Else Condition Activity Type is selected, a Condition can be specified to apply to the following activities.

Step 15: Select/Enter the appropriate values for the following fields.

The fields will change depending on the Activity Type.

Step 16: Click the Save/Add Activity button.

Step 17: Repeat steps 12 through 16 until all the Activities are added.

Step 18: Click the Finish button.

Step 19: Click the Embed button

Click the Embed button below the created web form to obtain the code to incorporate into the HTML document where the form will be used.