To send an email campaign, select Email Campaigns from the top menu > Create an Email Campaign or select the Create and Send Email Campaign graphic from the Email Campaign section.

email campaign







Fill in the fields for the campaign including campaign name (internal use only), date/time of deployment (Send Now will deploy your campaign immediately) and subject line.

email campaign




email campaign

email campaign




Edit the From Name, Reply To Name, Reply to Email and Additional Options as desired.

Next, add in your Contact List(s) or individual existing or new contacts to your email campaign. Select Finished when done adding contacts to your email campaign.

email campaign





Last, add your Email Content by either populating and designing a template (Themed Templates) or selecting a ready made template (Corporate or Private Templates). Choose Select Template and Save and Continue to add it to your email campaign.

email campaign




Select Confirm Campaign to deploy or schedule your email campaign for a later date.

Read: Create an Email Campaign